Kayleigh Grenon
Kayleigh Grenon is a Customer Care Manager for MoveAssure Solutions. With over 15 years of experience in the moving industry, Kayleigh’s goal is to make the moving process as smooth as possible for both customers and clients.
Born and raised in Massachusetts, Kayleigh is a 4th generation moving professional. Starting out working for her family’s moving company taught her the intricacies of working and running a small business and how that applies to the moving industry. Kayleigh has since worked within both Agency and Van Line networks across the industry in a variety of roles including but not limited to move coordination, billing, claims adjudication, dispatching, and planning.
Kayleigh holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences and a Masters degree in Integrated Marketing and Communication from Stonehill College. She also holds certificates from Cornell University in Business Strategy and Leading Remote Teams.